Excursions in the Höchsterhütte - Rifugio Canziani's neighbourhood

Cima Gioveretto - Zufritt (11283 ft.):

Travel time: 2,5 hrs. – 3 hrs.
Drop: 2884 ft.
Degree of difficulty: low; perennial snowy slopes until 35°. Climbing ropes are mounted close to the mountaintop.

Cima Fontana Bianca -Weissbrunnspitz (10364 ft.):

Travel time: 2,5 hrs.
Drop: 1965 ft.
Degree of difficulty: beginners.
(Not serviced by indicated paths, free hiking).

Cima Lorchen - Lorchenspitz (10980 ft.):

Travel time: 2,5 hrs.
Drop: 2582 ft.
Degree of difficulty: its glacier could be easily escalated.

Cima Sternai - Hinterer Eggenspitz (11295 ft.):

Travel time: 2,5 hrs. – 3 hrs.
Drop: 2897 ft.
Degree of difficulty: its glacier is passable; perennial snowy slopes until 30°.
Northern variant: less difficult than the former; chains mounted on rock; Difficulty Grade: I – II.

Cima Sternai Meridionale - Vorderer Eggenspitz (11106 ft.):

Eastern Path
Travel time: 3 hrs. – 3,5 hrs.
Drop: 2707 ft.
Degree of difficulty: master; traits of the path can be of IInd -IIIrd Grade difficulty.

Cima Sternai Meridionale - Vorderer Eggenspitz - Eisrinne

Travel time: 3 hrs. – 3,5 hrs.
Drop: 2707 ft.
Degree of difficulty: master; the path presents some slopes covered with perennial snow until 45°.

Crossing of the southern Cima Sternai Meridionale to the main Cima Sternai
Travel time: 1,5 hrs.
Degree of difficulty: not so hard; parts of the path can be classified as Ist – IInd Grade of Difficulty.

Cima Collecchio - Gleckspitze (9701 ft.):

Travel time: 2,5 hrs.
Drop: 1903 ft.
A fabulous panorama can be seen from the mountaintop.
Degree of difficulty: easy mountain tour.

All travel times to reach the peaks – mountaintops are calculated takingthe Höchsterhütte - Rifugio Canziani as the starting point.

Mountaineering school MeranAlpin

Mountaineering school MeranAlpin
Tel. +39 348 2600813

Rifugio Canziani - Instagram

HolidayCheck - Höchsterhütte